Monday, September 30, 2019

24th December 2015, was the first time I held him in my arms and fell in love with him instantly. His eyes staring right into my eyes, he was a little cold so I held him tighter to give him the warmth. Let’s just say it was one of the happiest I had been in a while and I couldn’t ask for a better companion. We took him inside the house and put him in the basket which I had prepared for him from before. He seemed to like it because he fell asleep instantly on it. As days passed by he got familiar with us and had recognized us as well. He was obedient and playful.
KoKo (a black Labrador) was one of a kind he knew us by our names, me as ‘didi’, Mom as ‘mummy’, and Dad as ‘papa’. His favorite activity was bathing. As soon as mom would scream “KoKo bath!!!” he would come running with his grey towel. 

The best thing about having a dog is waking up to him wagging his tail and uncountable kisses till you actually wake up and KoKo was a stubborn dog, my mom had trained him to wake me up every time she said “Go wake didi”.
He also didn’t like any sort of violence so just to annoy him a little we would pretend to tap each other a little and he would get really angry and try stopping us. He was like a son to my parents and like a brother to me and would get jealous if I would sleep between my parents or hug my mother he would jump right in between and push me away so he could cuddle with mom and dad.
I remember once I was travelling to a Pune for an internship and a night before while I was packing he came and sat on my suitcase and didn’t move. It was almost like he knew that I was leaving and didn’t want me to go. Whoever said that dogs are a man’s best friend is true.
14th June, 2018 was the second happiest day, because KuKi came into our lives (German Shepard), she was as cheerful as KoKo in fact more.
KoKo was a little hesitant to play with her in the beginning but they soon became familiar with each other and there was no going back. They literally fought like cats and dogs but KoKo to my surprise was very generous when it came to sharing his food or letting KuKi capture his place in front of the air-conditioner. It is safe to say that KoKo is a good boy!
Two weeks back I had shifted to Bangalore, and not a single day went by without video calling them. It was the highlight of my day until KoKo fell really ill. He was a fighter I must say because he fought for his life. We were really scared because the doctors were sceptical about his survival.
 2:30pm, 24th September, 2019. I got a text from my brother KoKo is no more. I couldn’t control myself, tears were rolling down. It was a shock to me as well as my family. KoKo was and will always be close to our hearts. He will always be my little brother and wherever he is right now I hope he’s happy and peaceful. We love you!



  1. I can understand the feeling as i have been in this condition many times.good write up about koko..


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